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Alan Moore's Neonomicon TP
[Avatar Press]
Yazar: Alan Moore
Çizer: Jacen Burrows
Comic book legend Alan Moore (WATCHMEN) and brilliant artist Jacen Burrows deliver a chilling tale of Lovecraftian horror! Brears and Lamper, two young and cocky FBI agents, investigate a fresh series of ritual murders somehow tied to the final undercover assignment of Aldo Sax -the once golden boy of the Bureau, now a convicted killer and inmate of a maximum security prison. From their interrogation of Sax (where he spoke exclusively in inhuman tongues) to a related drug raid on a seedy rock club rife with arcane symbols and otherworldly lyrics, they suspect that they are on the trail of something awful... but nothing can prepare them for the creeping insanity and unspeakable terrors they will face in the small harbor town of Innsmouth. NEONOMICON collects Alan Moore's comic book series for the first time in its entirety - including his original graphic novel, THE COURTYARD, which chronicled Aldo Sax's tragic encounter with the (somewhat) mortal agents of the Old Ones! Available in softcover and hardcover formats, with illustrated covers by Jacen Burrows (CROSSED).

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özel sipariş
176 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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