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Faster Than Light Vol. 01 TP
[Image Comics]
SPECIAL LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF $9.99 Tomorrow we discover the key to faster than light travel and our world will never be the same. Captain William Forest and those under his storied command are in a race against time, and he's one of the few on board who knows it. A lethal first contact and a planet-eating lifeform are just the tip of the celestial iceberg of Discovery's quest: Save Earth and all her people from the mysterious forces coming to destroy her. Features Anomaly's free cutting-edge Augmented Reality app, which makes it look like interactive holograms are coming out of the book!

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Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
152 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
149,85 TL

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