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Infestation 2 Vol. 02 TP
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: Mike Raicht, Chuck Dixon
Çizer: Valentine DeLandro, Guido Guidi
The Lovecraftian monsters invade the worlds of TRANSFORMERS and G.I. JOE in INFESTATION 2. It's a steam-punk world in the grips of panic as terrifying beings from the depths of the ocean corrupt both humans and DECEPTICONS! Meanwhile, COBRA has always had a penchant for dark experiments. This time they've gone too far and opened a portal to a realm of violence and madness. As squadron after squadron of Cobra Vipers falls under the thrall of the Elder Gods there seems no way to stop the hideous transformations that are taking place. Can SNAKE EYES stop it?

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
104 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
269,85 TL

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