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Lady Death #1 (Garrie Gastonny Regular Cover)
[Avatar Press - Boundless Comics]
Yazar: Brian Pulido, Mike Wolfer
Çizer: Marcello Mueller
Lady Death is back in an all-new, on-going monthly series! The most popular femme fatale in comics returns with a vicious new tale that delivers for both new and old readers! Lady Death's quest to recover the fragments of her mysterious past and otherworldly powers begins! Living as a simple thief among a family of renegades and robbers, Illadra now knows that her existence is a mere facade, masking a heritage of horror and incredible abilities that were born in the dimension called 'The Nether Realm.' Tortured by fragments of nightmares and the glimpses of a past life long-forgotten, Illadra knows that her soul will not rest until she has recovered that which was stolen from her by the entity known as 'Death Queen.' But her journey may end before it has begun, as a monstrous, werewolf assassin is dispatched through the dimensional breach to hunt Illadra and destroy her before she can recover her lost powers. Co-written by Mike (Gravel, Wolfskin) Wolfer and original creator Brian Pulido, this series promises to be the most powerful Lady Death tale ever!

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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