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Lord of The Jungle #2 (Francesco Francavilla 1-in-10 Variant Cover)
[Dynamite Entertainment]
Yazar: Arvid Nelson
Çizer: Roberto Castro
The year is 1909. Bloodthirsty mutineers have seized the beautiful Jane Porter and her father. The cutthroats are lying low on the coast of the Belgian Congo as they squabble over a mysterious chest Jane her father risked their lives for. Cecil Clayton, heir apparent to the title of Lord Greystoke, is with them, searching for a long-lost uncle who disappeared on the very shores he and the Porters find themselves on. Fortunately for the hostages, they've stumbled onto the hunting grounds of pulp fiction's greatest hero! Could there be a connection to their mysterious protector and Clayton's missing relative? Find out in Lord of the Jungle Issue 2: The Forest God!

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL
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