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Matt Baker: The Art of Glamour HC
[TwoMorrows Publishing]
Çizer: Matt Baker
In the early 1940s, Matt Baker became of one the earliest African-American comic book artists. But it wasn't the color of his skin which made him such a significant figure in the history of the medium. Imagine Dave Stevens or Adam Hughes working in the '40s, drawing a new story every month, and you'll have a good idea of Matt Baker's place in the industry throughout his career. Yet few of today's comic book fans know of the artist or his work, because he died in 1959 at the young age of 38, just as the Silver Age of Comics was bringing in a new generation of readers.

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özel sipariş
192 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
599,25 TL

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