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Miss Fury Vol. 01: Anger Is an Energy TP
[Dynamite Entertainment]
Yazar: Rob Williams
Çizer: Jack Herbert, Marcio Abreu
Miss Fury, the original pulp heroine, returns! When the costumed adventurer foils a wartime plot by Nazi agents, a scientific mishap catapults her forward through time... or so it seems. Has she truly been propelled into the Washington, D.C. of the year 2013, where the Third Reich reigns supreme? Or is she merely the victim of a mental breakdown, a delusional witness to decades of bloodshed from World War II through the far-flung future? Whether lost in time or driven crazy, one thing is clear - Miss Fury simmers with rage, and those responsible will face her fearsome power!

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144 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL
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