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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A To Z Vol. 10 Premiere HC
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Jeff Christiansen, Sean McQuaid, Michael Hoskin, Ronald Byrd, Stuart Vandal, Anthony Flamini, Mike Fichera, Chris Biggs, Madison Carter, Mark O'English, Rich Green, Jacob Rougemont, David Wiltfong, Eric J. Moreels, Markus Raymond, Michael O'Sullivan
SHIELD Santa Claus from the Siege Perilous with the Skrull Kill Krew as this comprehensive guide to the Marvel Universe continues! This volume features Sasquatch, Snowbird, Silver Surfer, Sandman, Selene, She-Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Scourge of the Underworld, Speed, and not one, but two alien races from the 60's (can you guess?)! So come join the Savage Land Mutates in the Savage Land, while having a devil of a time with Satan, Satannish, and Satana! Slither around with the Serpent Society, Serpent Squads, Set, Seth, and the Sons of the Serpent! Get stung by Scorpia, Scorpion, Scorpio, and the Silver Scorpion as you team-up with the Salem's Seven, Secret Defenders, Sinister Six, and Six Pack! All this and much much more!
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240 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
374,85 TL

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