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Roy Thomas Presents: Briefer's Frankenstein Vol. 03 HC
[PS Artbooks]
Dick Briefer's Frankenstein for Prize Comics is widely regarded as being America's first ongoing horror series. Indeed, it was Briefer's work that probably caused the creature to be actually named as Frankenstein instead of the nameless monstrosity from Shelley's novel. Splitting the stories between two stools - humor and horror - Briefer's tales are absorbing and unsettling in equal parts. Some of the humorous material has already been reprinted, though not necessarily in order nor in total. Until now, of course! This volume collects stories published between 1945 and November/December 1946.

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özel sipariş
288 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
719,85 TL

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