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The Boys #63
[Dynamite Entertainment]
Yazar: Garth Ennis
Çizer: Russ Braun
Everything comes to a head at once as Frenchie and the Female take on Team Titanic, Maeve and Annie have a heart to heart and Hughie comes face to face with the reason he joined the Boys in the first place. Vought-American are suddenly ready to parley, but with the White House in new hands and the Homelander's plans finally kicking in, is Butcher in any mood to listen?
"Now this is what I've needed. Finally, Butcher and Hughie are back together. This is what makes this book great. The interaction between these two is priceless." - A Comic Book Blog
"The Boys is worth the pick up almost every month especially if your looking to spice up your steady diet of superhero with something a little bit more superhero/indy." - Tres Komikeros
"The payoff is right around the corner!" - Biff! Bam! Crash!

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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