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Zombies Christmas Carol #2 (of 5)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Jim McCann
Çizer: David Baldeon
Gather your family close, board up the doors, and heed well the tale of Ebeneezer Scrooge- a man for whom no fire could warm, whose cold heart pumped ice through his veins, and whose lips uttered a firm BAH! to any sort of happiness. Learn from his experience as he is visited by the undead corpse of his old friend Jacob Marley on Christmas Eve, and join him on his journey to Christmases past aided by another corpse intent on showing Scrooge the origin of the Hungry Death that is consuming the land. God help us, every one!

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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