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J. Scott Campbell’s Danger Girl: 20 Years! #1 (1-in-5 J. Scott Campbell Black & White Variant Cover)
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: Andy Hartnell
Çizer: J. Scott Campbell
It's been 20 years since Danger Girl first exploded onto the comics scene, and IDW is celebrating by re-presenting the introductory preview story and the first oversized issue. Plus, for the first time ever, these two stories will be presented in crisp black and white pencils, scanned from Campbell's very own personal archives-and with no lettering to obstruct the art! If you love J. Scott Campbell's art-and who doesn't-you'll be able to see Danger Girl like never before!

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özel sipariş
88 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
224,85 TL

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J. Scott Campbell’s Danger Girl: 20 Years! #1 (1-in-5 J. Scott Campbell Black & White Variant Cover) hakkındaki yorumlar;

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