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Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
There's a place so dangerous that it's walled off from the rest of Battleworld. A place where wild zombies feast on those who've been banished for crimes against the state - where cold, mechanical Ultrons destroy anything human. But as war rages between Ultron's robotic horde and the zombie masses, a small pocket of humanity must defend itself from both sides. Can Salvation - an oasis run by Jim Hammond, the Vision and Wonder Man - protect what little humanity resides in the 'Dead Zone'? And how will the Hank Pym of 1872 react when banished to this hellish landscape? Ultron is on the verge of a breakthrough that will shake the foundations of Battleworld - but whoever wins, we lose...unless Hank Pym can deliver us from evil! Collecting AGE OF ULTRON VS. MARVEL ZOMBIES #1-4 and AGE OF ULTRON #1.

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128 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
239,85 TL

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