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All-New X-Men: Inevitable Vol. 02 - Apocalypse Wars TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Dennis Hopeless
Çizer: Mark Bagley, Paco Diaz
The All-New X-Men continue to chart their own path through a world that hates and fears them! And they live in the shadow of their fate - especially Cyclops, whose adult self's actions are notorious. But together can these young mutants change their destiny? Beast will try, but can a man of science find the guidance he seeks from the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange? Perhaps none among them faces the legacy of an older counterpart quite like Evan - a.k.a. Kid Apocalypse! Is he damned to become a genocidal madman like his namesake? Or can he somehow rise above? When the 'Apocalypse Wars' begin, he will be tested like never before - both in the present and in the far past! They're yesterday's and tomorrow's X-Men, and they're fighting the future the only way they know how! Collecting ALL-NEW X-MEN (2015) #7-11.
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120 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
239,85 TL

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