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Amazing Spider-Man #647
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Mark Waid, Marc Guggenheim, Joe Kelly, Bob Gale, Dan Slott, Fred Van Lente, Zeb Wells
Çizer: Karl Kesel, Max Fiumara, Adam Archer, J.K. Nimura
This is it! After 101 issues, the writing team of Spidey Webheads says good-bye as the historic era known as BRAND NEW DAY comes to an end in a triple-sized SPECTACULAR! Over the past three years, he's faced New Ways to Die, a Gauntlet, and a Grim Hunt, and, through it all, Spider-Man has stood stronger than ever. But while recent events may have drastically changed Peter and his friends, the ol' Parker luck threatens a turn for the even-worse at any second. One thing's for certain though, the sun is setting on the Wallcrawler's Brand New Day, and tomorrow begins right here!
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64 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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