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Ant-Man (2020) #1 (of 5) (Eduard Petrovich Regular Cover)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Zeb Wells
Çizer: Dylan Burnett
Scott Lang is back and doing better than ever! Er, at least according to him, but his daughter, Stinger, and the anthill hes living in say otherwise. Desperate to raise his daughters opinion of him, Scott takes a job from local beekeepers only to uncover a global conspiracy that could topple the world order! No time to call the Avengers, this sounds like a job for ANT-MAN?! Join the explosive creative team of Zeb Wells (NOVA) and Dylan Burnett (X-FORCE, COSMIC GHOST RIDER) as they take Ant-Man to all-new heights in this epic adventure!
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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