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Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #4 (of 5)
[Red 5 Comics]
Yazar: Brian Clevinger
Çizer: Scott Wegener
Previously: Robo tried to save some astronauts in space. And then it went horribly wrong. So, then Robo tried to get to the bottom of it only to find a big damn conspiracy with tanks and guns and stuff. This issue? He's on the run and the fate of everyone in the world lay in the hands of a trucker and some HAM radio hobbyists. Seriously. Not buying Atomic Robo comics is the biggest mistake of your life. Do something right for a change and pick up an issue.
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
28 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
52,50 TL

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