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Basketful of Heads (2019) #3 (of 7) (Reiko Murakami Regular Cover)
[DC Comics - Black Label]
Yazar: Joe Hill
Çizer: Leomacs
Basketful of Heads continues as a seven-issue miniseries! June Branch has been hunted, haunted, and desperate; she's got an ancient Viking axe with mystical properties and a severed head in a basket that won't shut up. If she can't make her traveling companion be quiet, maybe she can get some answers out of him...answers that might spell the difference between life and death. But getting him to talk is one thing, and getting the truth out of him is another. He's a decapitated devil who'd like nothing more than to lead June astray-and with three other killers out to finish her off, so she has no room for error. The comic with the sharpest edge in horror returns for another swing of the axe!
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özel sipariş
32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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