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Captain America: Hail Hydra #3 (of 5)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Jonathan Maberry
Çizer: Phil Winslade
This one has it all! The Falcon and the Black Panther leap into action with Captain America as he takes on Hydra's deadliest secret cell: The Resurrection Corps. As the evil Dr. Geist and Baron Strucker move closer to the creation of a new race of gods, Cap and his allies square off against legions of ZOMBIES! (No, not THOSE zombies. These are the dead resurrected as a murderous army!) New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Maberry teams with the dynamic art styling of Phil Winslade (Howard the Duck MAX) for the latest installment of Cap's wildest adventure!
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
44,85 TL

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