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Civil War: House of M TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
The biggest story in the HOUSE OF M universe is finally revealed: How did Magneto take over the world? He began life as a penniless refugee, but rose to conquer the entire planet - and now Christos N. Gage (THUNDERBOLTS, HOUSE OF M: AVENGERS) and Andrea Di Vito (ANNIHILATION) show you exactly how the Master of Magnetism did it! Witness Magneto's first battle with the Sentinelsthe tragic end of his marriageand his fight against Apocalypse for leadership of all mutants! The secret history of the HOUSE OF M unfolds here! Collecting CIVIL WAR: HOUSE OF M #1-5.
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özel sipariş
120 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
254,85 TL

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