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Civil War II Fallout TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
CIVIL WAR II's main player takes center stage, and its seismic effects are felt across the Marvel Universe! First, in a sensational prequel to the main event, experience the odyssey of Ulysses! What incredible journey leads him to join the Inhumans? And in the wake of a truly terrifying vision, why won't Karnak help him prevent disaster? Then, feel the full implications of the hostilities in a trio of tales. When a heroic icon is slain, those who knew him best remember the fallen legend - and the Avenger who killed him stands accused of his murder! But when the war is over, rivals Tony Stark and Carol Danvers turn to the one man they know they can trust - Steve Rogers, Captain America! Uh-oh... Collecting CIVIL WAR II: ULYSSES #1-3, THE FALLEN #1, THE ACCUSED #1 and THE OATH #1.
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192 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
374,85 TL
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