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Cyborg: Rebirth #1 (Will Conrad Regular Cover)
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: John Semper Jr.
Çizer: Paul Pelletier, Sandra Hope, Tony Koroos
Victor Stone was once a star athlete and brilliant student with a bright future. But after a tragic accident destroyed over half of his body, Victor was kept alive by merging flesh with advanced technology. Today he is the Justice League co-founder called Cyborg. But is the young hero a man...or a machine that merely believes it's a man?Victor Stone was once a star athlete and brilliant student with a bright future. But after a tragic accident destroyed over half of his body, Victor was kept alive by merging flesh with advanced technology. Today he is the Justice League co-founder called Cyborg. But is the young hero a man...or a machine that merely believes it's a man?
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
44,85 TL
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