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Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill #5 (of 5)
[Marvel Comics]
Yazar: Stephen King, Robin Furth, Peter David
Çizer: Richard Isanove, Jae Lee
It has all led to this: The climactic battle for all the Mid-World marbles! On one side, with their backs to Jericho Hill are Roland, his ka-tet and the surviving members of his father’s Affiliation. Arrayed against them, thousands of soldiers and slow mutants armed with the most horrific selection of weapons that the Good Man, John Farson could provide them. A few will live and many will die, and no reader will ever forget the intensity of the struggle or its heart-wrenching outcome. You must not miss the shattering conclusion that will alter the balance of power in Mid-World in unthinkable ways. You have been warned.

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40 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
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