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Dead Letters Vol. 01: The Existential Op TP
[Boom! Studios]
Yazar: Christopher Sebela
Çizer: Chris Visions
WHY WE LOVE IT: Here at BOOM! Studios, crime is in our blood. From our comic-turned-feature film 2 GUNS to our critically acclaimed series HIT, we've always had a passion for all things noir. DEAD LETTERS is the next step in our exploration of the genre.
WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT: Creators Christopher Sebela (Ghost, High Crimes) and new-comer Chris Visions have combined to create a perfectly moody tale that will evoke memories of your favorite noir story-then turn it on its head. Don't miss out on a wholly unique take on crime fiction perfect for fans of Richard Stark's Parker, Criminal, and Fell. 'Christopher Sebela writes this thing to damn near perfection. ...overall, this book looks supreme.' IGN
WHAT IT'S ABOUT: Waking up in a fleabag motel with bandaged arms and a revolver on his desk, Sam doesn't remember a thing-not how he got here, where here is, or who he is. But the armed men knocking on his door do and Sam will have to use every trick from his forgotten repertoire to outrun and outsmart his way through a hard-boiled wonderland of gang wars, femme fatales, and big secrets. Collects issues #1-4.

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özel sipariş
112 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
149,85 TL

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