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Death Note Vol. 04
[Viz Media]
Yazar: Tsugumi Ohba
Çizer: Tsugumi Ohba

With two Kiras on the loose, L asks Light to join the taskforce and pose as the real Kira in order to catch the copycat. L still suspects Light, and figures that this is the perfect excuse to get closer to his quarry. Light agrees to the plan in order to have free access to the taskforce resources. But when Light manages to contact the new Kira, he discovers that his rival is anything but as expected. Will Light escape from love unscathed?

Not: sağdan sola okunur.
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
208 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
126×190 mm
119,85 TL

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