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Doc Frankenstein: The Messiah of Science Resurrected TP
[Busta Toons Productions]
Yazar: Andy Wachowski
Çizer: Lana Wachowski, Steve Skroce
You thought you knew him! You thought him dead! But Victor Frankenstein's creature arises once more, resurrected by the life giving power of science and evolved by the limitless potential of the human mind. For more than two centuries, Doc Frankenstein has fought against monsters both the human and the supernatural to carve a place for himself and the world's dispossessed. Now the soldiers of the sacrosanct want him returned to the grave. With unlimited wealth and an army of disciples, they will kill anything in their way, and anyone standing by his side! Collecting Doc Frankenstein #1-4.

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112 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
254,85 TL

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