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Dominion (4th Edition)
[Dark Horse Manga]
Yazar: Shirow Masamune
Çizer: Shirow Masamune
Welcome to the future, where the norms are vast bio-constructed cities, air toxic enough to force citizens to wear oxygen masks, and crime so severe that the cops drive tanks! When a mysterious winged girl with the power to cleanse the poisoned air is kidnapped by the villainous Buaku, police mini-tank commander Leona Ozaki, her tank Bonaparte, and her lovesick partner Al must confront the arch-criminal and his catgirl molls-the beautiful and deadly Annapuma and Unipuma-before Buaku's master plan kicks into gear. Buaku has more than money on his mind, and the future fate of humanity hangs in the balance!

Produced by international comics superstar Shirow Masamune, creator of Appleseed and Ghost in the Shell, Dominion is an ecological-dystopian-police procedural adventure/comedy as only Shirow can create! This new edition is published for the first time in America in right-to-left reading format, as originally published in Japan.

* Shirow is well-known and critically acclaimed internationally.

* Produced in the authentic right-to-left reading format, as originally published in Japan.

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
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özel sipariş
224 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
224,25 TL

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