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Electric Ant #1 (of 5)
[Marvel Comics]
Yazar: Philip K. Dick, David Mack
Çizer: Pascal Alixe
FROM THE MIND OF LEGENDARY SCI-FI AUTHOR PHILIP K. DICK! Garson Poole had a pretty great life: good job, nice apartment, a sexy, flirtatious assistant. And then he wakes up in a hospital room…the doctors inform him that he’s been in a car accident…and they can’t treat him. Because he’s a robot. Specifically, Garson is an Electric Ant, a human-like robot created and programmed to serve a specific function. But what is Garson’s function? How will his friends and co-workers treat him, knowing that he’s a machine, and not a person? And how much of his world is real, and how much of it is part of his programming? Written by Kabuki scribe David Mack and illustrated by Pascal Alixe (ETERNALS ANNUAL).

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
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