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Electric Ant #2 (of 5)
[Marvel Comics]
Yazar: Philip K. Dick, David Mack
Çizer: Pascal Alixe
FROM THE MIND OF SCIENCE-FICTION LEGEND PHILIP K. DICK!!! David Mack and Pascal Alixe continue their charged and visually stunning adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s Electric Ant! When most people have crises of identity, a therapist might advise them to look inside themselves for answers. But after Garson Poole, CEO of Tri-Plan Industries, wakes up in a hospital and is told he is not human, but, in fact, a robot known as an Electric Ant, he goes looking for answers by opening up his chest panel and literally looks inside himself. But what lies in there is more profound and terrifying than anyone is prepared for…

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL
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