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Faith (2016) #12 (Cover A Kano)
[Valiant Comics]
Yazar: Jody Houser
Çizer: Joe Eisma
Faith vs. 'THE FAITHLESS' - the final battle! Framed for a crime, held prisoner by a team of her greatest enemies, and quickly running out of time, Faith must confront the truth of her first true defeat! But has victory truly come to The Faithless - a revenge-obsessed squad of malicious malcontents - or will Los Angeles' soaring protector give them a run for their money first? From the Hollywood Hills to the Santa Monica Pier, L.A. is about to witness the ultimate beat-down between good and evil...and when the final page arrives, you'll be saying, 'What the frack?!'

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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