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Faith (2016) #4 (Cover A Kevin Wada)
[Valiant Comics]
Yazar: Jody Houser
Çizer: Pere Perez, Marguerite Sauvage
Comics! Cosplay! Crime! This comic book convention isn't what it appears to be... From all across the world, fans have flocked to California's biggest comics convention...but they never expected to see real-life superheroes duking it out! When fandom's most important event becomes an all-out super-powered melee, can Faith 'Zephyr' Herbert and her crossbow-wielding boyfriend, Obadiah Archer, prevent a gang of diabolical con-crashers from turning thousands of spectators into victims of the most brazen caper in comic book history? If Faith has her way, these back-issue bandits will be going behind bars when breakout writer Jody Houser (Mother Panic) and acclaimed artists Pere Perez (ARCHER & ARMSTRONG) and Marguerite Sauvage (DC Comics Bombshells) deliver an all-access pass to the high-stakes super-showdown of the fall!

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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