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Fathom Vol. 8 (2019) #6 (Cover A Mauricio Campetella)
[Aspen Comics]
Yazar: Vince Hernandez
Çizer: Mauricio Campetella, Peter Steigerwald
The world below is no longer a secret and everything has led to this... Aspen and Kiani take on Killian and Anika in a war of Elite powers, and the fate of both The Blue and Humanity rests in the balance! The volume 8 finale is here, and Fathom's preeminent heroes must contemplate actions that will forever change their lives-if anyone survives at all! Aspen's Vince Hernandez (Michael Turner's Fathom: Kiani, Charismagic) marks his debut on Fathom's principal series alongside artist Mauricio Campetella (Jirni) and colorists Peter Steigerwald (Fathom, Superman/Batman) in a storyline that will define the Fathom universe for years to come!

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28 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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