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Grimm Myths & Legends #19 (Cover A Nei Ruffino)
[Zenescope Entertainment]
Yazar: Troy Brownfield
Çizer: Joyce Mauriera
Gina and Hank investigation into the local urban legend of the witches den brings them to a strange town on the outskirts of Salem. The town people refuse to speak about the abandoned house at the top of the hill although its history is well known. Once upon a time a witch of terrifying power dined on the flesh of those unfortunate to venture to her doorstep. Murdered by the townspeople's her ghost supposedly still haunts the house to this day. Gina and Hank plan to disprove this legend but are in for a terrifying surprise when they both learn that the legends are true.

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
44,85 TL

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