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Heroes Reborn: Avengers TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Rob Liefeld, Jim Valentino, Jeph Loeb, Walt Simonson
Çizer: Rob Liefeld, Joe Phillips, Joe Bennett, Al Rio
Cap, Thor, the Vision, Hawkeye, Hellcat, Mantis and more: The Avengers lineup is both new AND classic on an Earth that hits them with villains as fast as they can assemble! Revised versions of Ultron, the Radioactive Man, the Grim Reaper and many more prove their mastery of evil against Reborn Earth’s mightiest heroes! Plus, the Heroes Reborn Universe only got a piece of the Hulk – but, darn it, it may still be more than it can handle! Guest-starring Nick Fury and the
Fantastic Four! Collects AVENGERS (VOL. 2) #1-12.
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336 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
449,85 TL

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