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Image Plus Vol. 2 (2017) #9
[Image Comics]
The latest issue of IMAGE+ magazine invites you to the vanguard of creator-owned comics, where sequential art's most passionate voices dive into their latest masterworks. Discover DEATH OR GLORY, RICK REMENDER (SEVEN TO ETERNITY, DEADLY CLASS) and BENGAL's new ongoing series about a vice-filled road trip through the backroads of America. JOSEPH KEATINGE (SHUTTER) prepares FLAVOR, a delicious mystery about a walled city where food is scarce and chefs fierce, illustrated with dreamy finesse by WOOK JIN CLARK. BRIAN K. VAUGHAN and MARCOS MARTN also reveal the secrets behind BARRIER, their harrowing sci-fi exploration of immigration. IMAGE+ overflows with exclusive interviews, art features, previews, and more, including another chapter of SCOTT SNYDER and JOCK's horror reinvention, WYTCHES: BAD EGG. IMAGE+ is free with any purchase of Diamond's Previews.

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özel sipariş
80 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
29,85 TL

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