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Justice League of America #55 (Brett Booth Regular Cover)
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: James Robinson
Çizer: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund
"The Rise of Eclipso" continues! With the Spectre fallen and darkness spread throughout the DC Universe, no one is safe from Eclipso's control! Not any of DCs shadow-based heroes and villains. Not Alan Scott and the magical beings of the moon's Emerald City. Not even the World's Greatest Heroes! And when Eclipso's ultimate goal is revealed, they'll see that it's scale is even bigger than the DC Universe. One lone hero has the power to make sure all be well however...for he has hope. Introducing Blue Lantern Saint Walker to the Justice League of America! In the remains of New Krypton, Doomsday tears through Batman, Supergirl and Alpha Lantern Boodikka in his search for Cyborg Superman as "Reign of Doomsday" rampages on!
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
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