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Magnus: Robot Fighter (2014) Vol. 02: Uncanny Valley TP
[Dynamite Entertainment]
Yazar: Fred Van Lente
Çizer: Cory Smith, Joseph Cooper, Roberto Castro, Sandy Jarrell, Felipe Cunha
Retreating from the mad, mad world of mechanical overlords, Magnus descends into the SubStructure, where a bizarre collection of feral humans called Gophs live free from robot society. Winding up in the Uncanny Valley, a forbidden sex and death club, the timelost rebel discovers a gladiatorial pit where humans fight to the death, and the slain are dismembered for spare parts. Can Magnus hold his own against the merciless Goph hordes? Collects issues #5-8 of the ongoing Magnus: Robot Fighter series.
'One of the most thrilling books on the market.' - SciFi Pulse
'Stunning... Highly recommended.' - Unleash the Fanboy
'Magnus continues to punch hard.' - Comic Book Therapy
'(Magnus) reinforces how well Cory Smith is suited to bringing this character and his world to life.' - Fandom Post

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128 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
254,85 TL
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