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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40 (Jamal Campbell Regular Cover)
[Boom! Studios]
Yazar: Ryan Parrott
Çizer: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Last year, Shattered Grid made comic book history-this year NECESSARY EVIL changes what you think you know about the Power Rangers with a reveal that will have everyone talking! The Power Rangers comic book event of 2019 begins here with the first appearance of the Power Ranger everyone's been asking about-the fan favorite White Ranger! The all-new team of creators from record breaking Power Rangers; Shattered Grid; Ryan Parrot and Daniele Di Nicuolo present the return of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-but what happened to the universe after the defeat of Lord Drakkon, and what do our Rangers remember?
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24 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
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