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Monster Hunters' Survival Guide #5 (of 5) (Cover B Pasquale Qualano)
[Zenescope Entertainment]
Yazar: John Paul Russ
Çizer: Anthony Spay, Shawn McCauley, Andrew Mangum
Stories of fairy tale creatures have been told since the dawn of time. Trolls, fairies and unicorns are believed to be fictional beings of fantasy. But are they really just figments of our imagination or are the stories about them based in fact? Legendary Monster Hunter J.P. Russ has the answers and he knows that these magical creatures are not just old wives tales. He also knows how to hunt them and now hes ready to pass on that knowledge in the latest issue of The Monster Hunters Survival Guide Fantasy Creatures. Dont miss it You never know when you might cross paths with a fire-breathing dragon.

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32 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
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