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New Avengers (2013) Annual #1
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Frank J. Barbiere
Çizer: Marco Rudy
The Incursions aren't the only horrors threatening to end the world!
DOCTOR STRANGE has faced the impossible time and again as an Avenger and the Sorcerer Supreme, but when he is called upon to fulfill an old debt to an enclave of techno-monks high in the Himalayas, even the good doctor may be beyond his limits!
Written by acclaimed young writer Frank J. Barbiere (Five Ghosts, The White Suits) and illustrated by the illustrious Marco Rudy (Swamp Thing, Marvel Knights: Spider-Man), this oversized annual is one you won't want to miss!
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özel sipariş
40 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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