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Pilot Season 2010 TP
[Image Comics - Top Cow]
Yazar: Williams Harms, Filip Sablik, Jeff Katz, Brad Inglesby, Bryan Edward Hill, Rob Levin
Çizer: Jerry Lando, Jay Leisten, David Marquez, Allan Jefferson, Jordi Tarragona, Thomas Nachlik, Phil Noto
Top Cow's annual Pilot Season competition draws unprecedented fan and media attention and 2010's crop of competitors was no different. Featuring a variety of creators, genres, and unique ideas, Pilot Season showcases five original series each presented in a "pilot issue", which fans then voted on to determine which series would continue. This year's crop included reinventions of the bank heist, sci-fi conspiracy, supernatural revenge, action-thriller espionage, and deadly femme fatale. In the end, only one series emerged victorious!

Collects the pilot issues of 39 MINUTES, ASSET, CROSSHAIR, FOREVER, and 7 DAYS FROM HELL, along with a cover gallery, behind-the-scenes extras, and commentary from the creators.

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Var
160 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL
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