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Sachs and Violens TP
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Peter David
Çizer: George Perez, Art Nichols, Arne Starr
Juanita Jean Sachs is a model-turned-crusader. Ernie 'Violens' Sachs is a war-scarred photographer with major anger management issues. Cross them at your own risk.
They are two people who battle some of the greatest evils of our society: Pornography. Murder. White Slavery. Religious fanaticism. And why do they do it? Because they get an erotic charge from risking their lives.
SACHS AND VIOLENS created a sensation when their miniseries first debuted in 1993. Now, for the first-time ever, the saga from New York Times best-selling author Peter David (AQUAMAN, Star Trek: Imzadi) and acclaimed artist George Perez (CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, JLA/AVENGERS) is collected in a single volume, with a new cover by Perez and an introduction from David!

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özel sipariş
128 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
224,85 TL

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