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Shade, the Changing Girl #5 (Jenny Frison Variant Cover)
[DC Comics - Young Animal]
Yazar: Cecil Castellucci
Çizer: Chynna Clugston-Flores, Marley Zarcone
Which is more powerful? These new human emotions or the madness that brought Shade to Earth? Balancing both is difficult, as the divide between where she is now and where she comes from grows deeper. It's all about duality as the future and the past are racing to catch up with Shade. She sees strange visions of a possible tomorrow while Megan, the girl whose body she stole, is racing across galaxies to take her life back. Plus, an all-new backup feature: Shade's favorite TV show, Life With Honey, comes to comics!

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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