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Spy vs. Spy: Missions of Madness
[Watson Guptill]
Yazar: Antonio Prohias
Çizer: Antonio Prohias
Join us as we take you behind closed doors... and expose the idiotic antics of the agent in black and the agent in white!

"Spy vs. Spy" was the brainchild of Cuban-born political cartoonist Antonio Prohias, who fled his country after receiving death threats from Fidel Castro. Prohias settled in America, and in 1960 he began a 26-year run of Spy misadventures in MAD Magazine. This book by Prohias, long out of print, showcases his genius as an artist, storyteller, and graphic designer.

Not: sağdan sola okunur.
Stokta Var
192 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
125×190 mm
179,85 TL
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