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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot / Katana #2 (of 6)
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Katana has done her best to prepare her Markovian friends for Kobra's occupation, and now it's time to search for Doctor Jace. Finding her way through a mountain pass full of Kobra's Blackadder troops proves to be a bigger challenge than she expected-especially when she cannot go it alone! Meanwhile, Deadshot abandons his post with the Suicide Squad to deal with some long overdue family business. Will Floyd finish the job before Amanda Waller detonates his nano-bomb?

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özel sipariş
48 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot / Katana #2 (of 6) hakkındaki yorumlar;

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