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Teen Titans / Deathstroke: The Terminus Agenda TP
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Christopher Priest, Adam Glass
Çizer: Bernard Chang, Carlo Pagulayan
The hunter becomes the hunted as the Teen Titans set out to end Deathstroke once and for all in these tales from Deathstroke #41-43 and Teen Titans #28-30. Deathstroke’s body count has grown even higher after murdering his therapist en route to escaping from Arkham Asylum, which prompts Commissioner Gordon to expose Slade’s identity as Deathstroke to the public! Now the world’s most wanted criminal, the walls are closing in on Slade Wilson, and the Teen Titans lie in wait...Is there any hope of escape?

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160 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
254,85 TL
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