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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #1 (of 4) (Cover A Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic)
[Valiant Comics]
Yazar: Jen Van Meter
Çizer: Roberto De La Torre
In time, even the dead may die...and, now, after multiple 2015 Harvey Award nominations, the most sought-after couple in comics returns with an all-new adventure from Eisner Award-nominated writer Jen Van Meter (Hopeless Savages) and acclaimed artist Roberto de la Torre (Daredevil)!
Occult investigators Shan and Hwen Mirage lived their lives in the thrall of an epic love that few will ever have...until Hwen died tragically before his time. Now, after a perilous trip through the underworld, Shan and Hwen have been reunited...but Hwen is still an intangible spirit of the dead - incapable of opening a spellbook or even touching his wife.
Their options exhausted, the death-defying Doctors Mirage are about to enact a dangerous spell to restore Hwen's solid form...and grant his ghost a second life. But, in the wrong hands, their ancient rite will become a tool of terror - and unleash a force of pure, homicidal evil that lusts for the murder of the living and the dead alike... a torturous death that obliterates not just everything a person ever had in this world, but everything their ghost will be in the next!

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #1 (of 4) (Cover A Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic) hakkındaki yorumlar;

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