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The Last Days of American Crime #1 (of 3)
[Radical Comics]
Yazar: Rick Remender
Çizer: Greg Tocchini
From Rick Remender, the critically acclaimed writer of Punisher. In the not-too-distant future, as a final response to terrorism and crime, the U.S. government plans in secret to broadcast a signal making it impossible for anyone to knowingly commit unlawful acts. To keep this from the public, the government creates a distraction, installing a new currency system using digital charge cards.
Enter Graham Brick, a career criminal never quite able to hit the big score. In a grand scheme, Graham intends to steal one of the charging stations, skip the country and live off unlimited funds for the rest of his life. But the media has leaked news of the anti-crime signal one week before it was to go live... and now Graham and his team have just a few days to turn the crime of the century into the last crime in American history.

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56 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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