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The Man with No Name Vol. 01: Sinners and Saints
[Dynamite Entertainment]
Yazar: Christos Gage
Çizer: Wellington Dias
They formed an alliance of hate to steal a fortune in dead man's gold and now, for the first time ever, a direct continuation from the classic western film "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" has arrived from Dynamite Entertainment.
For its iconic imagery, stars and score, the "Man with no Name" trilogy is a modern masterpiece of cinema!
Now, the legend comes to life once again, starring the ultimate anti-hero, under the helm of writer Christos (New Avengers/G.I.Joe) Gage and artist Wellington Dias.
Featuring covers by Richard Isanove - along with a special alternate cover to #1 by Arthur (Marvel Zombies) Suydam included here in the complete cover gallery - THE MAN WITH NO NAME follows in the powerful wake of such Dynamite titles as The Lone Ranger and Zorro in its faithful and successful genre-defining Western comics!

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144 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL
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