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The Weird World Of Eerie Publications HC
[Feral House]
Eerie Publications' horror magazines brought blood and bad taste to America's newsstands from 1965 through 1975. Ultra-gory covers and bottom-of-the-barrel production values lent an air of danger to every issue, daring you to purchase them. The Weird of World of Eerie Publications profiles Myron Fass, the gun-toting megalomaniac publisher, and editor Carl Burgos, who ground his axe against the entire comics industry. Here's the sordid background behind this mysterious comics publisher, featuring astonishingly red reproductions of many covers and the most spectacularly creepy art. Introduction by Stephen R. Bissette.

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340 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
494,25 TL

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